About Hanskamp

Hanskamp is a technical innovation company based in Doetinchem, The Netherlands. We develop and sell practical solutions for dairy farmers throughout the EU and beyond.

Teamfoto Lowress

Hanskamp is an innovative company from the Achterhoek region!

The focus here is on higher animal health, better animal welfare and more ease of work for the dairy farmer. At Hanskamp, we confidently work on technological innovations that are easy to apply for everyone in the dairy sector and contribute to a pleasant barn climate and healthy cows that are free of stress.

Hanskamp history

Oprichting Hanskamp2001
1/6  Where it all began...

Hanskamp was founded in 2001 by Henk Hanskamp. As a farmer's son and self-employed dairy technician, he knew exactly what was going on in livestock farming and what was needed in this sector. Thus, in a shed behind his house, he started developing practical innovations in the field of feeding himself.

Propydos 3 Westfalia
2/6  Develop a liquid dispenser

Henk saw a need within the dairy industry for a pump that could precisely deliver liquids to cows. He started developing the so called PropyDos and before he knew it, this solution became an international success!

HAT voerstation
3/6  Milk production

Producing as much milk as possible was the trend, we designed our first feeding station to administer concentrate feed.

Feed Station walk through
4/6  Animal welfare was becoming more important

We designed a locking gate for the concentrate station so that cows can safely and quietly take their fill of concentrate. But also a walk-through feeding station where cow traffic is optimised belongs to one of these animal-friendly solutions.

Cow Toilet 9
5/6  A cow peeing on a toilet?

Then suddenly there was one of Hanskamp's most remarkable innovations - the CowToilet. Nationally and internationally, this innovation made headlines.

Bedding Cleaner cow
6/6  Cow welfare at its best in the barn of the future

The so far latest innovation still in full development at Hanskamp. Actually, the sentence above is not correct, it is not the barn of the future. It is a large free-range barn with a bedding of organic or inorganic material from which the cow patties are sifted out with the BeddingCleaner.

What is it like to work at Hanskamp?

Hanskamp Sfeer LR 84
Twee koeien wei mist
Portret img


Sales manager

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Sales & Dealer support

Looking for the right solution for your dairy farm?

We contribute to future-proof and profitable livestock farming. Feel free to drop by then you can experience the Happy Hanskamp experience.

Broekstraat 17

7009 ZB Doetinchem

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