Many interested dairy farmers and dealers during the FreeLifeStall and CowToilet tour that took place on Thursday and Friday 16 and 17 March.

Strong interest in FreeLifeStal and CowToilet nationally and internationally
Many interested dairy farmers and dealers during the VrijLevenStal and CowToilet tour that took place on Thursday and Friday, 16 and 17 March.
Over 100 interested dairy farmers were present during the VrijLevenStal and CowToilet tour that passed several test dairy farms. During the tour, many questions were asked and we were able to share a lot of information about the CowToilet, the VrijLevenStal and the associated BeddingCleaner.
We are looking forward to another event.
Are you now also interested in the CowToilet or in the completely new barn concept, The FreeLifeStall? If so, please contact us without obligation. We will organise another tour in September, perhaps you will be able to join us then.